Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Oh no he di'iiiint"

Carl Paladino, the Republican nominee for governor of New York really dug his grave with his personal point of view on homosexuality. He then proceeded to throw in a couple of catty comments of his Democratic opponent, who supports homosexuality, for his enjoyment and participation in a gay pride parade earlier this year.

Though there are many of us who express our thoughts and opinions on gay rights everyday, even those who are... how do I put this?... Well, those who are "more important"..."more professional" than your everyday middle class Americans, the timing was completely off for this Republican nominee.

Apparently a few weeks before his "crude" comments [which any nominee for New York's governer should be aware of] there were three men tortured on account of being thought of as gay, as well as a student killing himself shortly after his sexuality had been exposed publicly on the internet by classmates. If  he was unaware of these tragic incidents, perhaps someone should have informed him before hand or rather  this was just what the voters of New York needed; to know who will be running their city, a man with no connections as to what is happening in his city or, a man who knows and still choses to share his opinions no matter the situation at hand.

I completely agree with this editorial, in that  Mr. Paladino came off as insensitive and therefore digging himself a hole too deep to climb out of before votes are due for this campaign.

"These messages are an insult to all Americans."

The writer of this editorial is obviously a supporter of gay rights and therefore offended by Mr. Palaldino's statements. I feel that the author's intended audience were to be not only those in favor of gay rights, but those who have a moral understanding of sympathy and grief. Those who would see these statements made by someone who is trying to win over the people, are quite idiotic; one does not have to be a supporter of gay rights to understand that this is cruel and wrong in many ways.

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