Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's all in the title...nuff' said. 

Laura Fianders is known for her hosting talents on Grit TV as well as her contributions to blogs and an accomplished author of quite a few political works. Her blog titled "Dr. Jocelyn Elders: Marijuana, Masturbation and Medicine" that consists of Dr. Jocelyn (my new favorite lady) and Laura conversing about Dr. Jocelyn's views on the above. 

First, Jocelyn and Laura discuss the matters of Proposition 19; the legalization of Marijuana in California with restrictions, of course. They discussed Jocelyn's support  of the Prop 19 and why she was in favor of it stating [in response to Laura's question], " if it does anything it will help law enforcement because they could spend more time taking care of ...  ... very harmful things. It could be sold and taxed and we could use the money to do more valuable things for our bright young people."

Jocelyn also spoke of how those against Prop 19 view the drug as a gateway drug, the harms Marijuana brings to the human body and what they fear will happen next if children of this generation are exposed too soon to the legalization of Marijuana. Jocelyn then proposed the question of underage drinking and smoking cigarettes which are both immensely harmful; more harmful than the legalization and the intake of Marijuana. 

After she answers Laura's questions(and with rationale and well argued points I might add) about Prop 19, they move on to discuss, briefly, Jocelyn's outspoken opinions/views  on other controversial matters such as masturbation. She was apparently kicked out of the Clinton administration after only  15 months of service due to her public opinion of allowing the teaching of masturbation in school systems. Some retorted saying that this was an evil and sinful act which she, in response to Laura's question, basically saying that masturbation never hurt anyone (never impregnated or caused HIV), its is knowledge given to us by God, but that in our society it is something that is discussed for couples. 

Finally there was a brief Q&A about health care and Jocelyn, noted as being the first African American surgeon general, said she was proud of our increase of knowledge and discussions around health care. She admits it is not what the people wanted, but it is something we can work on and improve. 

By posting this blog of Laura Fiander's conversation Jocelyn Elders I believe her intended audience was those not offended about open discussion with personal and touchy factors such as masturbation  and the legalization of marijuana. In other words I believe she was hoping her headline would catch the eyes of those with a more liberal point of view and serious interest in the factors being discussed. Perhaps she even caught the eyes of those who wouldn't be caught dead looking at anything with such vulgarity. Perhaps they just couldn't help themselves and perhaps they, at one point, leaned towards the rationale and not ridiculous points made by Dr. Jocelyn. Perhaps. 

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