Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's all in the title...nuff' said. 

Laura Fianders is known for her hosting talents on Grit TV as well as her contributions to blogs and an accomplished author of quite a few political works. Her blog titled "Dr. Jocelyn Elders: Marijuana, Masturbation and Medicine" that consists of Dr. Jocelyn (my new favorite lady) and Laura conversing about Dr. Jocelyn's views on the above. 

First, Jocelyn and Laura discuss the matters of Proposition 19; the legalization of Marijuana in California with restrictions, of course. They discussed Jocelyn's support  of the Prop 19 and why she was in favor of it stating [in response to Laura's question], " if it does anything it will help law enforcement because they could spend more time taking care of ...  ... very harmful things. It could be sold and taxed and we could use the money to do more valuable things for our bright young people."

Jocelyn also spoke of how those against Prop 19 view the drug as a gateway drug, the harms Marijuana brings to the human body and what they fear will happen next if children of this generation are exposed too soon to the legalization of Marijuana. Jocelyn then proposed the question of underage drinking and smoking cigarettes which are both immensely harmful; more harmful than the legalization and the intake of Marijuana. 

After she answers Laura's questions(and with rationale and well argued points I might add) about Prop 19, they move on to discuss, briefly, Jocelyn's outspoken opinions/views  on other controversial matters such as masturbation. She was apparently kicked out of the Clinton administration after only  15 months of service due to her public opinion of allowing the teaching of masturbation in school systems. Some retorted saying that this was an evil and sinful act which she, in response to Laura's question, basically saying that masturbation never hurt anyone (never impregnated or caused HIV), its is knowledge given to us by God, but that in our society it is something that is discussed for couples. 

Finally there was a brief Q&A about health care and Jocelyn, noted as being the first African American surgeon general, said she was proud of our increase of knowledge and discussions around health care. She admits it is not what the people wanted, but it is something we can work on and improve. 

By posting this blog of Laura Fiander's conversation Jocelyn Elders I believe her intended audience was those not offended about open discussion with personal and touchy factors such as masturbation  and the legalization of marijuana. In other words I believe she was hoping her headline would catch the eyes of those with a more liberal point of view and serious interest in the factors being discussed. Perhaps she even caught the eyes of those who wouldn't be caught dead looking at anything with such vulgarity. Perhaps they just couldn't help themselves and perhaps they, at one point, leaned towards the rationale and not ridiculous points made by Dr. Jocelyn. Perhaps. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Oh no he di'iiiint"

Carl Paladino, the Republican nominee for governor of New York really dug his grave with his personal point of view on homosexuality. He then proceeded to throw in a couple of catty comments of his Democratic opponent, who supports homosexuality, for his enjoyment and participation in a gay pride parade earlier this year.

Though there are many of us who express our thoughts and opinions on gay rights everyday, even those who are... how do I put this?... Well, those who are "more important"..."more professional" than your everyday middle class Americans, the timing was completely off for this Republican nominee.

Apparently a few weeks before his "crude" comments [which any nominee for New York's governer should be aware of] there were three men tortured on account of being thought of as gay, as well as a student killing himself shortly after his sexuality had been exposed publicly on the internet by classmates. If  he was unaware of these tragic incidents, perhaps someone should have informed him before hand or rather  this was just what the voters of New York needed; to know who will be running their city, a man with no connections as to what is happening in his city or, a man who knows and still choses to share his opinions no matter the situation at hand.

I completely agree with this editorial, in that  Mr. Paladino came off as insensitive and therefore digging himself a hole too deep to climb out of before votes are due for this campaign.

"These messages are an insult to all Americans."

The writer of this editorial is obviously a supporter of gay rights and therefore offended by Mr. Palaldino's statements. I feel that the author's intended audience were to be not only those in favor of gay rights, but those who have a moral understanding of sympathy and grief. Those who would see these statements made by someone who is trying to win over the people, are quite idiotic; one does not have to be a supporter of gay rights to understand that this is cruel and wrong in many ways.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hop on the Solar Power Bandwagon America!

 I recently read this article provided by the New York Times written by Felicity Barringer, about the US finally approving solar power plants. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar approved the building of the first large-scale solar energy plants, both in California, yesterday October 5th.

"These projects are milestones in our focused effort to rapidly and responsibly capture renewable energy resources on public lands,” Salazar said in signing the final Records of Decision for the initiatives. “These projects advance the President’s agenda for stimulating investment in cutting-edge technology, creating jobs for American workers, and promoting clean energy for American homes, businesses and industry.”

The article states that the the plants will be built in the California desert and the building will be combined with the development of wind and geothermal power.

Geothermal energy is clean, renewable energy from heat simmering within the earth's bedrock.Geothermal's potential as a clean energy source has raised huge hopes, and its advocates believe it could put a significant dent in American dependence on fossil fuels (James Glanz, Energy & Environment, NY Times).

There will be two plants, one located in the Imperial Valley (6,360 acres) that is 790 megawatts that was proposed by Tessra Solar which will use “Suncatchers” — reflectors in the shape of radar dishes. The other, located on the 422 acres of Lucerne Valley is said to be a 45 megawatt system. The two combined will provide enough energy for 566,000 homes to be powered in California (this is the nation's fastest growing solar power-using state).

Also mentioned in the article was Ken Salazar expecting to sign off on 5 more projects this year and that this decision came shortly after the announcement of the White House soon to be going under the knife itself; the roof is being remolded for solar powered panels. 

However the projects are to be followed by a "long series of setbacks for climate and energy legislation in Congress."Lack of votes for the limiting of emissions bill was a downfall due to fears of " voter backlash." Even though there was federal approval for the project there will still be many hurdles to overcome such as more land  and capacity which will be or is already booked. San Diego Gas & Electric’s 123-mile proposed Sunrise Powerlink will come into play i.e. it has been approved, though there are complications with federal and state courts. 

“This project reflects President Obama’s strong commitment to U.S. leadership in solar energy and the jobs it will create here at home,” Energy Secretary Steven Chu said in a statement. “Deploying solar energy technologies across the country will help America lead the global economy for years to come.”

This article caught my attention, first because I know very little about solar power being used as an energy source and thought it a good reason to look into what it does for the greater good of the environment. Second, because I just moved into a new apartment that, by the way, is wonderful and is known for how good and "green" the community is. My property manager is about the cutest, most uptown and chic hippie I've ever met and she really seemed to have a lot of "going green" knowledge that she informed me and my sister about and it was really quite interesting. Also, my friend Brandon is going to school to be an environmentalist and is constantly going off on tangents about "what the environment needs...what the people could be/should be doing to help..." and of course, " what our government should be doing to inspire those who have the money to blow (celebs/high class idiots), to spend it on making our nation more eco friendly; which in turn would inspire (set a trend) others to turn to using what our mamma's (Mother Earth) gave us!" 

For those of you who don't know a lot about how solar power works (like me) here are a couple links to further explain what all it can bring to the public, how it works, pros cons etc...