Monday, September 27, 2010

Im only average?!

I took this quiz that my professor posted for our class to take, to see how much we really knew about our country's government. I scored an average percent of 13... 13 percent. This means that out of 11 questions, I got 4 correct. Im so embarrassed. Two of the questions I know I got correct weren't even related to government but to Twitter and the World Cup this year. I suppose I could have done worse, but this was a real eye opener as to how much I really don't know about my own country. This stuff I could easily find out by reading the newspaper, or with me being online so often, looking up while surfing through YAHOO's homepage or Google's homepage OR by simply turning the channel to the news every now and then. I guess it's time for me to grow up a bit and start paying attention. Thanks Prof Scott!

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